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Auto NewsMay 25, 2018

Honda Civic Type R Pick-Up Truck is What Engineers Do When They're Bored

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Can you imagine a Honda Civic Type R that can be brought in free of excise tax? Well, if only Honda would mass-produce this one-of-a-kind Civic Type R pick-up truck that would be possible.

For now though, it’s an engineering exercise by Honda UK’s very own Product Engineering department in Swindon. Codenamed “Project P”, this is probably one of the fastest pick-up trucks not just in the UK, but in the world.

To create the Civic Type R pick-up truck, they got a pre-production unit, sawed off everything from the B-pillar backward, and replaced the rear accommodations for a flatbed loading area in the vicinity of where the rear seats and trunk used to be.

“Project P” is expected to sprint to 100 km/h in under 6 seconds and have a top speed in excess of 250 km/h. And like the production Civic Type R, it continues to have the large rear wing. The best thing? It’s movable to allow direct access to the flatbed.

While Honda UK produced Project P more to accommodate bored engineers, they’re actually seriously considering bringing it to the Nurburgring to see if they can take the record for “fastest front-wheel drive pick-up truck.”


  1. OMG.. Uly Please delete this article before Mazda boys see it. Thank you.
    -Honda Fanboy

    1. One doesn't need to be e fanboy to see what an abomination this is.

  2. Man, that's one fugly pickup

  3. This should sell well in Mexico

  4. That's one ugly pickup. A pickup with a huge ricey wing, really? Shows that even the honda engineers themselves are ricers.

  5. I wonder why honda fanboys are so quiet. They too must be ashamed of this ricey honda pickup variant straight from the ricey honda engineers themselves.

    1. It's quite a miracle that one civic-lovin' dilawan guy has yet to comment on this. Usually he comments on almost every article.

  6. Haha, the ricer fangheys are fantasizing about this fugly mofo while waiting for their steering racks to get fixed and their CVTs to get replaced.

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