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Auto NewsSeptember 4, 2018

That Nissan GT-R Giveaway Promo is a Fake

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It starts innocuous enough: like a page, share it, and you could win a car. Sounds too good to be true? Well, because it is.

The latest one going around Facebook has a page saying that they’re giving away three, yes, three Nissan GT-Rs just because it’s their anniversary. It’s come to a point that the GT-R’s only authorized dealer, Nissan High Performance Center had to issue a statement stating that they had nothing to do with the page “Nissan Philippines GTR” and that it’s purely a hoax.

Thankfully, Facebook has taken swift action and the page is now offline, but now, it would be a good time to remind everyone once more to be careful about these so-called Facebook “like and share” promos.

The act of liking and sharing a page may seem harmless, but this could potentially lead to a phishing scam. And in case you’re not aware of the term, phishing is defined as: “the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information.”

In other words, you’re putting your online security at risk whenever you like or share any of these fake promotions. If you’re not sure, do a bit of research. Again, if it’s too good to be true, it likely is.

For all the latest news and promos, check out the Nissan Philippines website.

1 comment:

  1. And this type of car is not sonething you give out to the masses, price notwithstanding.

    Can you imagine the brand image issues from some unfit, unworthy, probably can't afford it person winning this luxury car?


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