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Auto NewsFebruary 24, 2019

Ayala's Automotive Brands Fuse Sights and Sounds at Art Fair PH 2019

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Today is the last day to catch the Art Fair PH 2019 at The Link in Makati City. There, AC Automotive showcases the imaginative ingenuity of Filipino modern artist Ian Carlo Jaucian with a contemporary art focused on sights and sounds.

Art Fair Philippines, now on its 6th year, is the premier platform for exhibiting and selling the best in modern and contemporary Philippine visual art, making it accessible to enthusiasts and to those who want to discover one of Southeast Asia’s most exciting art landscapes.

For this year’s edition, AC Automotive highlights Jaucian’s unique retooling of the gramophone concept, which re-purposes the car wheel into an amalgamation of visual and musical symmetry, thus bridging the gap between harmonious visual design and cyclic music through the language of numbers.

Jaucian’s work, named “Car Keys,” uses an infrared proximity sensor to measure topographical differences on the outer surface of the rim as it is spun. The measured values are processed by a micro-controller unit programmed to map the data into ASCII numbers, which are then used to override the keyboard of a connected computer. From there, key presses are interpreted into digital music.

This so-called “data art” or “digital melody” infuses mathematics and technology with human emotions as evoked by musical stimuli. Jaucian’s “Car Keys” best illustrates how passion can drive the seemingly cold and calculating precision of automobile engineering and design into unexpected--and often amazing--outcomes.

AC Automotive’s entry in this year’s Art Fair Philippines reflects Filipino creativity and artistry, and those outcomes in the company’s nearly 30-year industry experience.

AC Automotive is a member of the country’s oldest business house, Ayala, under its industrial technology arm AC Industrials. It currently operates the national distributors for the Volkswagen, Kia, and KTM brands, as well as the largest dealership networks for both the Honda and Isuzu brands. Across all brands, it manages a total network of 92 dealerships, 27 of which are owned by AC Automotive itself.

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