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Auto NewsMay 1, 2020

Department of Transport Issues Guidelines for Public, Private Vehicles Under GCQ

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The Department of Transportation (DOTr) has now released the full guidelines concerning both public and private transportation in areas where the General Community Quarantine (GCQ) is in place. Here’s what you can expect:

In General:
  • Mandatory wearing of face masks.
  • Passenger load shall not exceed 50 percent or half of a vehicle’s seating capacity (not including driver and conductor).
  • Passengers are advised to take note of their public transportation trips for contact tracing.
  • Number coding for public transport vehicles is lifted during GCQ.
  • For operators, a special permit to operate under GCQ is required. This is free of charge and can be applied for at the LTFRB.
At Terminals:
  • Mandatory checking of body temperature.
  • Establishment of disinfecting facility with alcohol or soap and water at all entrances.
  • Social distancing measures shall be observed at all times, even when waiting in line.
Which PUVs are Allowed to Operate:
The DOTr has come up with a specific priority of which PUVs are allowed to operate. Only if that specific mode of transport is not available in an area, then the succeeding form of public transport will be allowed:
  1. Buses
  2. Modern PUVs
  3. Jeepneys / UV Express
  4. Tricycle
For Buses:
  • Provincial buses are not allowed to stop, pick-up, or drop-off passengers in areas where ECQ is still in effect.
For Public Utility Jeepneys:
  • There will be limited operation of PUJs (see Which PUVs are Allowed to Operate) and these will be subject to LTFRB guidelines.
For UV Express:
  • Only two passengers per row are allowed (one passenger in front, and two passengers for each row of the vehicle).
For Taxis and TNVS:
  • They will be allowed to operate, but subject to physical distancing (one passenger in front, and two passengers for each row of the vehicle) and sanitary practices.
  • Multiple bookings in a single trip for TNVS is not allowed.
For Motorcycle Taxis:
  • The operation of motorcycle taxis shall remain prohibited until the enactment of an enabling law.
For Tricycles:
  • Tricycles may be allowed to operate to deliver “feeder” public transport services subject to operational guidelines.
  • No riding behind the driver.
  • Only one passenger in side car.
For Private Vehicles:
  • Allowed to travel only for accessing essential goods and services (including work if employed).
  • Social distancing must also be observed in private vehicles (one passenger in front, and two passengers for each row of the vehicle).
  • Passengers for motorcycles will not be allowed with no exemptions.

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