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Auto NewsMay 11, 2020

Look: LRT-1 Operator Preps Trains, Stations Against COVID-19

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Preparations are in full swing as the Light Rail Manila Corporation (LRMC) anticipates the resumption of the LRT-1 operations. This is after the Department of Transportation (DOTr) released new safety guidelines for mass public transportation once the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) enforced in Metro Manila is lifted.

To ensure the welfare and protection of both passengers and employees, LRT-1 private operator LRMC will implement the following health and safety measures to fight the spread of COVID-19 once it re-opens its trains to the public.

Passenger guidelines
  • No mask no entry.
  • Thermal screening done upon entry of LRT-1 station. Those with temperature greater than 37.6 degrees Celsius will not be allowed to enter the station.
  • Physical distancing will be strictly enforced at the stations and trains, with floor markings as guidance.
  • Passengers are encouraged to use Stored Value Cards for contactless payment.
  • Placement of foot bath or disinfecting mats in all LRT-1 station entrances.
  • Passengers will still be requested to open their bags for verification, but LRT-1 security will be using a hand-held metal detector, and no frisking will be conducted.

Increased sanitation and safety promotion
  • Alcohol sanitizer dispensers will be available at all ticket booths, while liquid soap dispensers will be available in restrooms.
  • Trains are to be disinfected upon reaching the ends of the line at Roosevelt and Baclaran stations, and deep-cleaned at the end of each day. The driver’s cab is to be cleaned before each handover.
  • Commonly touched areas such as ticket booths, ticket vending machines, handrails, elevators, escalators, platform benches, and comfort rooms will be cleaned every 30 minutes.
  • Safety video reminders from the Department of Health and the World Health Organization will be played on the LCD screens, while posters and signage will be displayed prominently at each station and in each train. Staff and train drivers shall remind passengers to follow physical distancing at all times.

LRMC is working with partners to develop innovative sanitation technologies and methods to be more efficient and effective in keeping the railway safe for passengers. In addition, LRMC is looking out for its employees by providing them with face masks, hygiene supplies, regular health checks, and modified work arrangements.

LRT-1 operations have been suspended since March 17 as a result of the government’s extension of the enhanced community quarantine. Preventive and maintenance work for the line have been undertaken during this period in accordance with the IATF’s work safety guidelines to ensure improved service.

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