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Auto NewsMay 11, 2020

Petron Now Setting Fresh Vegetables at These Two Locations

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San Miguel Corporation (SMC) has opened its first local farm produce stands in two Petron stations as it prepares to open more such stores throughout Metro Manila to help provide outlets for local farmers to sell their crops during these difficult times.

The two fresh produce stores it opened up are located at Petron Katipunan, near La Vista subdivision and Petron Zabarte station in Caloocan. Both are operated by the Department of Agriculture (DA).

The program, which is in support of the DA’s “Kadiwa ng Ani at Kita” nationwide agri-market program, aims to provide local farmers a ready market for their products, especially at this time when the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly restricted access to markets.

At the same time, it makes fresh, healthy produce more easily accessible to consumers via Petron’s vast network of gas stations.

“During this time of crisis, our farmers, livestock raisers, fishermen, and everyone in the agricultural sector, are also unsung heroes. We depend on them for our food supply. And yet, they are also among the most vulnerable to the crisis, especially since quarantine restrictions also impact their access to their traditional markets,” explained SMC president Ramon S. Ang.

“That is why we are grateful to DA Secretary William Dar for giving us the chance to help our farmers through their Kadiwa program. This way, our farmers can still continue their livelihood even during this pandemic,” Ang said.

“At the same time, we will help boost food accessibility for our citizens, who are asked to limit their movement to essential activities during the quarantine,” he added.

Earlier, SMC rolled out the first 30 of its target 90 refrigerated van-cum-rolling stores, now situated at various Petron stations. The trucks bring fresh poultry, meats, and ready-to-eat food closer to consumers.

Meanwhile, six Petron Treats convenience stores—out of a target 50 branches— have also started doubling as pick-up/fulfillment stores for San Miguel Foods Inc.’s new online ordering platform.

Ang added that Petron Corporation and San Miguel Foods Inc., both major businesses under SMC, are currently finalizing plans with the DA to roll out the next farmers’ produce outlets.

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