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Auto NewsSeptember 18, 2020

Nissan Dealers Will Begin Adopting the New Brand Logo

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Nissan dealers around the world will adopt the new brand logo, signaling a promise for a new, customer-friendly experience be it physically or online.

The new logo is set to adorn new Nissan dealerships and upcoming models as they’re introduced or refreshed. It features a simplified, lighter form that’s easier to identify and is designed to live flexibly in both the physical and digital worlds. Whether online, at a dealership, or on a Nissan vehicle, it provides customers with a touchpoint to Nissan’s new brand experience.

While digitalization enables customers to engage with the brand in many different ways, dealerships are still the main place where they make decisions and directly experience Nissan products, technologies and services. Seamless online and in-vehicle interactions will be the quintessence of the new Nissan retail experience—delivering the right service at the right time, in a friendly environment.

The new retail experience is also aimed at supporting Nissan’s dealer network in optimizing their dealership footprint and distribution costs. The new logo will first be implemented for new dealership projects with older dealerships to be retrofitted after.

The logo will serve as a symbol of Nissan’s renewed customer-centric approach, advanced customer experience, and sustainable dealership network, all part of the new chapter for Nissan.

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