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Auto NewsMarch 1, 2021

Changing Your Car's Color? Soon You'll Have to Update Your Certificate of Registration

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After having to scrap its Private Motor Vehicle Inspection Service, the LTO is coming up with yet another behind-the-scenes change, this time concerning your vehicle’s Certificate of Registration.

As the LTO moves to the implementation of its Land Transportation Management System or LTMS IT system, the government agency is making big changes to the Certificate of Registration or CR. Aside from being bigger than the current version, it will also add new information, while deleting others.

Among the information added in the new OR format are: vehicle classification (private, for hire, government), VIN or Vehicle Identification Number, Vehicle Type (car, utility vehicle, SUV, bus, truck), Vehicle Category, Passenger Capacity, and Color. The last bit is a big deal because it’ll make it harder for owners to sport full body color wraps such as the Subaru Forester FUCKS edition (see above), or change body colors without notifying the LTO. On the flipside, it is important because it helps quickly identify a vehicle.

On the other hand, information to be removed in the new OR are Body Number, Shipping Weight, and Number of Cylinders.

The LTO has also readied their new CR format to take into consideration electric vehicles by adding the kilowatt (kW) field.

The agency hasn’t given any indication as to when the new CR format will be implemented, but it is likely very soon. In the meantime, you can check out the full circular below.

1 comment:

  1. Pwede po ba ipa change color ang car even still not fully paid sa financing. Thanks


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