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Auto NewsAugust 14, 2021

DOTr, LTO Wants More Money To Outsource Number Plate Production Anew

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The Department of Transportation and the Land Transportation Office (LTO) pretty much admitted that they failed at one of their primary functions: providing number plates. But in an unexpected twist, they decided to point the blame to someone else—primarily the DOTr’s previous administration and the national government.

According to the DOTr, the LTO hasn’t been receiving the right budget to help them clear their backlog of motor vehicle plates. In 2020, they requested P 1,869,274,000 only to be granted P 696,747. This year, they requested P 3,574,755 only to get P 925,412. And out of the P 925 million, only P 736,747 was released to the LTO.

This, according to the DOTr, is only sufficient to supply the license plates for the current calendar year, and not the backlog.

In short, the LTO wants a bigger budget allotment to address the backlog in the motor vehicle license plates despite being able to chip some 2.5 million pieces in backlog already.

Furthermore, to expedite the production of plates, the LTO wants to outsource the production of plates for calendar years 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2022, in order to complete the projected 16 million plates by June 30, 2022 instead of 2024. This is despite the LTO’s rehabilitated and now state-of-the-art plate manufacturing plant which could produce 700 motor vehicle license plates an hour, or over 5,600 plates in an 8-hour shift per day.

Outsourcing plate production, it must be remembered, is what got the DOTr (or at least its previous administration) and the LTO burned before. In 2014, it outsourced plate production to PPI-JKG Philippines, Inc. (PPI-JKG). This contract led to over 4 million pairs of MV plates and more than 7.2 million pieces of MC plates undelivered. Moreover, the contract was scrutinized by both the Commission on Audit (COA) and several lawmakers which led to the stoppage of the production and delivery of license plates in the first place.

In 2018, Trojan Computer Forms Manufacturing Corp and JH Tonnjes E.A.S.T GmbH Joint Venture was awarded a new contract which helped the LTO produce its plate numbers in-house once more.


  1. Hmmnn....then san napunta pera na ebinayad sa rgstration? AS FAR AS I KNEW kasama na sa rgstration pment ang byad sa plate. Evrytym we rnew rgstration we even paid for stickers dat nver came ha ha...cmon lto

  2. ,,,paano yun bayad namin for new plate?...hanggang ngayon wala pang new plate...


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