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Auto NewsSeptember 10, 2021

NCR Shifts To "Alert Level" System Starting September 16

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Update: Here is the finalized Alert Level system guidelines (9/14).

The IATF is chucking the current community quarantine classifications in the National Capital Region in favor of a new two-level quarantine system. This, the government hopes, balances the spread of COVID-19 and spurring business activity.

So far, the COVID-19 taskforce has provisionally approved the two-quarantine level for Metro Manila which will take effect from September 16 to 30. If that system works, it might be implemented to more regions in the country. At the moment though, the rest of the country will use the four-level community quarantine system.

Instead of the four-level MGCQ, GCG, MECQ, and ECQ, the IATF will reduce that to two—ECQ and GCQ. Enhanced Community Quarantine will be strictest of all the lockdown levels, while GCQ or General Community Quarantine will the loosest.

Under this new format, ECQ will even be stricter than before with only healthcare front liners, those with emergencies, and outbound/returning OFWs allowed to leave their homes. Most other sectors are not allowed to operate.

For areas under GCQ though, an Alert Level system will be in place. This will introduce a localized or granular lockdown hoisted over a particular city or municipality depending on the active COVID-19 cases in an area.

Here are the details of each new Alert Level:

Alert Level 1
  • Movement of persons shall be allowed except for reasonable restrictions identified by LGUs.
  • Private establishments will be allowed to operate at full capacity subject to Minimum Public Health Standards (MPHS).
  • Government agencies will operate at full capacity subject to MPHS.
  • Closed/indoor, Crowded, Close Contact activities (3Cs) are allowed provided for MPHS and Safety Seal.
Alert Level 2
  • Movement of persons shall be allowed except for reasonable restrictions based on age/comorbidities determined by LGUs
  • Private establishments will be operating on a minimal on-site capacity.
  • Government agencies will operate at 50 percent on-site capacity.
  • 50 percent for Closed, Crowded, Close Contact activities (+10 percent if with Safety Seal)
Alert Level 3
  • Movement of persons shall be allowed except for reasonable restrictions based on age/comorbidities determined by LGUs.
  • Private establishments will be operating on a minimal on-site capacity.
  • Government agencies will operate at 30 percent on-site capacity.
  • 30 percent for Closed, Crowded, Close Contact activities (+10 percent if with Safety Seal).
Alert Level 4
  • 18-65 years old, or with comorbidities/immunodeficiency, or pregnant are not allowed to go out
  • Private establishments will be operating on a minimal on-site capacity.
  • Government agencies will operate at 20 percent on-site capacity.
  • Closed, Crowded, Close Contact activities not allowed.

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