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Auto NewsMarch 24, 2023

Nissan's New Car Will Let You Do Anything In It But Drive

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Nissan has developed a prototype sedan which it calls, “Contemporary Lifestyle Vehicle” that will enable its owners to do a lot of things in it but drive. 

Based off the Skyline, which is a respectable rear-wheel drive sports sedan on its own right, it has been transformed into the Contemporary Lifestyle Vehicle. This will allow passengers to eat, sleep, and play in their sedan without compromising its functionality and design. Basically, it will do anything but what a car’s designed to do in the first place.

Nissan says the development is all spurred by the advancements in technology which will ultimately result in self-driving cars.

Moreover, this Contemporary Lifestyle Vehicle and its about 30 features wasn’t born out of the usual tech lab scenario. Instead, the company employed free thinking and ingenuity under the concept of “bricolage.” In art, bricolage is the creation of a work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available.

The many devices used in the prototype Skyline were created or installed through repeated trial and error.

Per Nissan, the use of bricolage go hand-in-hand with traditional design and engineering. This, the carmaker hopes, will be effective in addressing challenges in promoting sustainability. Ultimately, it should lead to more vehicles that realize human-centered innovations, rather than innovations for the sake of innovations.

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