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Auto NewsMay 1, 2023

Subaru Named Top Automotive Brand For Social Impact

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Subaru Corporation is pleased to announce Subaru was named one of the top brands on Forbes’ Best Brands for Social Impact 2023 list. The Japanese carmaker ranked first in the automotive category, and second among the Top 300 brands.

To create the list, Forbes partnered with HundredX to survey more than 100,000 consumers in the United States, and rank the 300 brands respondents rated most highly in four categories: overall brand values and trust, social stances, sustainability, and community support. Close to four million ratings were gathered across more than 2,000 unique brands. The list features brands that are most admired for doing good across sectors including the environment, social issues, and their local communities.

Subaru placed in the top six in all four of the categories in the survey.

In the United States, Subaru has created the Subaru Love Promise—a vision that guides the company and its retailers in making the world a better place. The pillars of Earth, Care, Help, Learning, and Pets, as well as the Subaru Share the Love Event, spread that love and philanthropy across a diverse group of partners and causes including The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Make-A-Wish, Meals on Wheels America, and the National Park Foundation.

Respondent feedback to the survey indicated that Subaru not only produces excellent vehicles that are built to last, but that customers appreciate what the automaker does for their community, and support causes its owners care about.

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