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Auto NewsSeptember 15, 2023

Jetour Auto Heads To The Cebu Auto Show

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Jetour Auto Philippines Inc., the exclusive distributor of Jetour vehicles in the country, is at the Cebu Auto Show 2023 with its lineup of vehicles.

Taking place until September 17 at the IC3 Convention Center, the exhibit is made possible by Jetour Auto Cebu, the brand’s official dealer in the Queen City of the South.

The display will feature the sleek and versatile Jetour X70 Sport seven-seater crossover, the compact and stylish Jetour Dashing, and the highly popular Jetour Ice Cream Electric Vehicle.

Jetour Auto Cebu and the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) are introducing an exclusive offer for Jetour customers at the Cebu Auto Show.

Confirmed bookings at the weekend’s event will be entitled to free Petron gasoline cards. Those who avail and receive approval for a 72-month car loan term with BPI will receive up to P 7,200 in gas card credit. Meanwhile, customers with approved 84-month car loans will be entitled to P 8,400 worth of Petron gasoline card credit.

Every customer who makes a reservation for a Jetour vehicle at the Cebu Auto Show will receive a free accommodation at a popular resort in Cebu.


  1. Dami Marketing Budget ng Chery. Spending for all their brands - Chery Jetour Omoda Jaecoo. Dalhin na rin nila Exeed para ma-dliute yung brand awareness sa products nila.

    1. Jetour Auto Philippines which is owned by Gateway and Autospeedygo spend their own money in promoting and selling Jetour vehicles in the Philippines as they're the authorized local distributor.

  2. For now its better to detour from dis unproven unknown brand.

  3. I've seen a few Jetours and Ice Creams on the road. The X70, not really.

    1. Dashing and QQ Ice Cream EV are much more popular
      X70 is affordable but lacked appeal


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