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Auto NewsFebruary 23, 2024

What Is The State Of The Philippine Electric Vehicle Industry In 2023?

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When the Philippine government passed the Electric Vehicle Industry Development Act or EVIDA Law in April 2022, it had the goal of moving the country towards a greener and fossil fuel-free environment. Among the perks the EVIDA Law granted was the reduction of vehicle excise tax to zero for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and 50 percent for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs).

With that, the government laid down the Comprehensive Roadmap for the Electric Vehicle Industry or CREVI. CREVI outlined certain industry targets which should be met to consider the adoption of the EVIDA Law successful.

CREVI has three scopes: Short Term, Medium Term, and Long Term.

Under the Short Term (2023-2028), the passage of the EVIDA Law should have resulted in the cumulative EV sales (including HEVs and PHEVs) of 311,700 units and the setting up of 7,300 EV charging stations. By the time the Medium Term (2029-2024) set in, this should result in 580,600 electrified vehicles sold and 14,000 EV chargers active. Finally, by the Long Term (2035-2040) rolls in, there should be 852,100 electrified vehicles and 20,400 EV charging stations.

With that in mind, where do we stand now?

Well, based on the figures from the LTO and presented by the EVAP or Electric Vehicle Association of the Philippines, this is how it looks like:

In 2022, 1,072 electrified vehicles were registered (presumed sold). Out of this number:
  • Cars – 92 (87 BEVs, 5 HEVs)
  • SUVs – 252 (91 BEVs, 161 HEVs)
  • UVs – 82 (82 BEVs)
  • Trucks – 0
  • Bus – 44 (44 BEVs)
  • Motorcycles – 602 (602 BEVs)
By the end of 2022, there were 8,593 registered EVs in the country—just 2.75 percent of the target set initially in the CREVI.

Thankfully, it’s looking brighter. By the time the first half of 2023 finished (the most recent available info from the LTO), the figures have jumped up significantly. The EVIDA Law has resulted in Q1 to Q2 2023 electrified vehicle sales of 2,557 units—already surpassing full year 2022 totals.

This is how it’s broken down according to LTO data (presented by EVAP):
  • Cars – 502 (79 BEVs, 423 HEVs)
  • SUVs – 1,077 (128 BEVs, 949 HEVs)
  • UVs – 766 (99 BEVs, 667 HEVs)
  • Trucks – 4 (4 BEVs)
  • Bus – 0
  • Motorcycles – 208 (206 BEVs, 2 HEVs)
Looking at this in big picture terms though, there’s a big chance that the goals of CREVI will not be met. Even if the H1 2023 figures are doubled to 5,000 units—the cumulative EV sales in the country would have just reached 13,500 units or just 4.33 percent of target.

Even if we project this volume to double every succeeding year—10,000 in 2025, 20,000 in 2026, 40,000 in 2027, and 80,000 in 2028—the total just be 163,500—only half of the targets set by in the CREVI.

Since the implementation of the EVIDA Law, the Department of Energy has already recognized 194 BEV models, 19 PHEVs models, 30 HEVs, and 32 LEVs.

When it comes to EV chargers, meanwhile, the EVAP says there are now a total of 338 chargers, out which 258 are AC chargers, 59 are DC fast chargers, and 21 are battery swapping stations. This is just 4.63 percent of the CREVI’s targets.


  1. Would you where are the 59 DC chargers? Thank you

  2. EV demand slowing worldwide while demand for hybrids are accelerating. Buyers of EV's are only rich who probably also has ICE and and hybrid for daily drive and only used EV sparingly for short trips. for now Owning EV in ph is really not practical.

    1. But Micro EVs are rapidly growing thanks to the e-trikes that dominate the roads right now.

    2. Hard to determine what's the size of those micro EVs that you mentioned since they don't need to be registered with the LTO. Remember, the data used here came from the LTO.

    3. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that micro EVs are not (yet) LTO-registered. But if the mandatory registration of them pushes through, maybe we could see the actual numbers of it.

  3. Do they count gray market units? Have seen some Toyota bZ4X already along Makati Ave.

    1. It should. The bZ4X is actually in the LTO database already even if it's not being sold by Toyota Motor Philippines officially (yet).

  4. Europe january EV sales down by 42% from december. Hybrid is really the practical the way to go, toyota has been right to focus first on hybrids before jumping on EV bandwagon that proved to be not practical and now flopping. Except tesla, Major US car brands has been losing billions on EV venture and now scaling production due to declining demands.

  5. I'll probably buy an EV in around 2040 when they're really cheap and kinks have been ironed out

    1. Life is too short. But as they say, good things come to those who wait.

  6. Thank goodness affordable EV vehicles from Jetour,MG,Dongfeng and BYD are available in the Philippine market

  7. If there only a few charging stations BEV will not be embraced. The CREVI also specified new commercial and govt establishments should have 5% of their parking spaces equipped with EV charger.

  8. Lack of EV charging stations will hamper interest among buyers.
    CRIVA/EVIDA Implementing rules and reg stated that newly built commercial and govt establishments should have 5% of their parking slots will have EV chargers. Im not sure if local govt are truly enforcing it at the moment


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