May 3, 2024

Department Of Energy Clamps Down On Indoor EV Charger Use, Installation

With EV charging stations now popping up in several public establishments, including condos and shopping malls, the Department of Energy (DOE) is now tightening down on requirements of these chargers, especially DC fast chargers. This is in connection with Department Circular 2023-05-0011.

As the Department Circular number suggests, this isn’t a new directive per se—it was issued in May 2023. However, the DOE is now starting to closely scrutinize the installation and even location of EV chargers, especially since they’ve been popping up in more public locations; that and they’ve started to allow establishments to collect a fee to use these chargers.

The first takeaway here is that the Philippines has finally chosen the CCS Combo 2 (Type 2) as its EV charging standard port. This means that all EV chargers—AC or DC chargers—must have them available. That said, for public use EVCS (Electric Vehicle Charging Stations), providers have the option to install and provide other connectors.

The more interesting part of the Department Circular is the limitation as to where EVCS Mode 4 stations can be installed. They must be installed and used outdoor only.

The circular defines EVCS Mode 4 as:

EVCS Mode 4 refers to EVCS that has a method for the connection of an EV to an AC or DC supply network utilizing DC EVCS with a control system that extends from the DC EVCS to the EV.

In short, EVCS Mode 4 is any charger that’s classified as a DC fast charger.

The circular covers both CUCS—Commercial Use Charging Stations (defined as chargers open or shared to the public or to a defined group of individuals which impose or collect charging fees) and OUCS—Own Use Charing Stations (defined as exclusive use chargers to an individual or group that do not impose and collect charging fees).

The Department Circular doesn’t clearly define what “outdoor” means, but going to the National Building Code, it might allude to the definition of what an Open Parking is:

A structure which is at least 50 percent open on two or more sides and is used exclusively for the parking or storage of passenger motor vehicles having a capacity of not more than nine persons per vehicle. Open parking garages are further classified as either ramp access or mechanical-access. Ramp-access open parking garages are those employing a series of continuously rising floors permitting the movement of vehicles under their own power from and to the street level. Mechanical-access parking garages are those employing parking machines, lifts, elevators, or other mechanical devices for vehicles moving from and to street and in which public occupancy is prohibited above the street level.

The reason to disallow the installation and use of DC fast chargers indoor has to do mostly with the increased risk of vehicle fires (this is documented in places such as Malaysia). That said, for as long as the chargers are installed properly and the vehicles that use them kept in good shape, the risk of fires is quite minimal. The blanket ban on indoor DC chargers may seem overboard, but the DOE might just be erring on the side of caution here.


  1. Patay. Another blow to the possibility of owning EV cars.

  2. Replies
    1. Cry harder spammer. This actually makes sense.

  3. The govt maybe thru PPP should start developing or installing EV charging station supplied or connected to an off-grid solar panel system. If the main objectives are to help the environment and reduce charging cost. We all know that higher percentage of power generation in the country is from non-renewable source. Using EV in the country right now is not helping for zero emission but just transferring the pollution from the source/power plant.

  4. An electric vehicle that caught fire indoors is almost impossible to extinguish. Too much hazard.

  5. EV reliability issues, charging anxiety, high upfront costs, hight cost of ownership it doesn't make sense... sales is dropping worldwide, hybrid is the way to go...

  6. The Department of Energy's stricter regulations on indoor EV charger installation aim to ensure safety and efficiency. By enforcing guidelines, they mitigate risks and streamline operations, promoting sustainable electric vehicle adoption. It's a crucial step in enhancing infrastructure and supporting eco-friendly initiatives nationwide.

  7. The Department of Energy's stricter regulations on indoor EV charger installation aim to ensure safety and efficiency. By enforcing guidelines, they mitigate risks and streamline operations, promoting sustainable electric vehicle adoption. It's a crucial step in enhancing infrastructure and supporting eco-friendly initiatives nationwide.


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