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June 21, 2024

Women Drivers Are Concerned About Growing Aggression On The Road

Women’s Worldwide Car of the Year celebrates June 24th, International Women Drivers’ Day by drawing attention to women drivers’ perspective concerning behavior. A survey led by Czech online magazine Zena v for women drivers contacted 1,485 female drivers worldwide in an online questionnaire. It revealed that 78 percent of women drivers consider aggression on the roads to be a serious problem and 69 percent respondents think that aggressive behavior on the roads has been increasing.

The survey was carried out last May 2024 in 20 countries around the world.

According to the study, there are three main concerns of women drivers: aggressive drivers (22 percent), accidents (20 percent) and driving in reduced visibility (20 percent), followed by skidding (13 percent) and collision with animals (9 percent). About 16 percent of those interviewed think there is to worry about.

It is interesting to look at answers that vary from country to country. For example, aggressive drivers as a main concern while driving was mostly stated by respondents from USA (82 percent), Spain (31 percent), and Poland (38 percent). Accidents as a main fear was represented in answers from Italy (51 percent), Poland (35 percent), and Germany (31 percent). Driving in reduced visibility is a subject of concern mainly for women drivers from UK (52 percent), Germany (50 percent), and Poland (20 percent).

A survey organizer and member of the WWCOTY jury, Sabina Kvasova stated that the majority of women drivers worldwide sporadically encounter (55 percent) aggressive behavior on the roads. Only 25 percent of respondents encounter aggressive behavior every day, 20 percent several times a week.

When asked what measures should be taken against aggressors, women drivers worldwide support mainly strict penalties (45 percent), specialized psychological therapy program (27 percent), training of future drivers (20 percent), and prevention campaigns (6 percent).

Looking at specific countries, strict penalties against aggressive drivers are supported by women drivers profoundly in Denmark and Serbia (97 percent), followed by USA (54 percent), and Italy (50 percent).

Obligation to undergo a specialized psychological therapy program for drivers and subsequent psychological assessment of a driver’s mental abilities have a strong support in Denmark, Serbia (97 percent), USA (54 percent), and in Poland as well as in Columbia (50 percent).

Future drivers must be made aware of the risks associated with aggressiveness on the roads during their training—as a proposed measure is backed in the UK (43 percent), Italy (42 percent), and Spain (30 percent). Prevention campaigns on the dangers of aggression were mainly stated in the answers of respondents from USA (45 percent), Poland (37 percent), and Germany (24 percent).

With this study, the Women’s Worldwide Car of the Year aims to publicize women driver’s perspective concerning driving behavior.

International Women Drivers’ Day, a day that vindicates mobility as an inalienable right that contributes to the freedom, dignity, and personal and professional development of women, is the perfect organization to highlight this survey. Driving opens the door to independence for millions of women around the world to seek a better future, to achieve fairer living conditions, and to pursue their passion for motorsports.

Today, women influence more than 80 percent of car purchases in advanced countries. This number will continue or grow in the coming years. “The percentage of young women university students is already higher in developed countries. Salary parity is beginning to be an achievable goal, Boards of Directors are no longer exclusively male, and in the lists of the richest people in the world, it is not unusual to see more and more women’s names,” says Marta García, executive president of WWCOTY.

International Women Drivers’ Day is cause for reflection. Many women still feel scrutinized by their partners when they drive, use only the second family car, or feel little support in the world of motorsports. That’s why the celebration of International Women Drivers’ Day, an initiative promoted by Women’s World Car of the Year, is more important than ever. A future of sustainable mobility and equality is only possible with the contribution of women.

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