Photos by Ulysses Ang |
you'll be cursing to yourself when you've got a BMW stuck in midday EDSA
traffic. Normally, you'll be wishing for a wide, open road with a
billiard-smooth surface to sample the BMW's impeccable balance and spirited
engine. Normally, you'd wish everyday was a Sunday. Sadly, Sunday happens just
once a week and in the six other days, you have to be content crawling through
traffic in your P 2-million hatchback. Yet, for all the traffic and
unpredictable weather Manila offers, this is the sort of environment that tests
the all-new BMW 118d. Rarely does a car prove itself while stuck in traffic,
but that's exactly what this premium car did. For a minute, you can forget that
BMW's were designed to tackle the autobahn, and relish a fuel economy that's
close to 20 km/l (and that's not a typo).